Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Judy's Gunning for Me

This is Judy. 

As a designer, Judy comes from humble beginnings.  She was the first one who said that if we ever had a friends’ version of the hit show, Project Runway, we would have to make it a Barbie doll challenge because she would never make an outfit big enough for a real person. Since then, Judy has sewn circles around the other designers. 

The first challenge in 2009 was actually a series of four challenges that each designer earned votes for each design.  At the end of the four challenges, whoever had the most votes would become the winner or Barbie Project Runway 2009.  Judy’s first couple of designs had merit.  

But in the third challenge, Judy tied with me for the win with her wedding gown made of tissue paper and pasta.  And the fourth challenge was a clear win for Judy with her Drag Queen.  This design captured who Judy was as a designer: meticulous and clean with lots of hand-touched details.  But because the four challenges were a tally of all the votes, I won and Judy was just behind me. 
In 2010, our designs featured gowns that would make it on the red carpet.  Judy brought a cream colored gown with hand beading and Oscar inspired accessories.  But my vision in purple won over the voters again.
In 2011, the challenge was to create a look based on a fairytale.  And it looked like Judy was all set to win with her look based on Cinderella.  My look, based on the Little Mermaid, received no votes, because (as Judy so graciously informed me) one should not add feathers to a look based on a mermaid.  But Angela swooped in from left field with a look based on Little Red Riding Hood that absorbed most of the votes. 

And in 2012, the challenge was to create a modern look inspired by the 1984 Barbie Doll, Peaches n’ Cream.  Judy brought her usual thoughtful design with its hand placed glitter and frothy, creamy feather details.  But I had found my stride in this one and won the challenge. 

I know Judy is gunning for me, now.  The Barbie Project Runway challenge for 2013 is on.  The challenge is to create a fantasy look, and it will be on Judy’s home turf.  It’s time to do or die, because Judy is not going to pull her game.  It is on.  

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