Friday, December 28, 2012

Robin's Egg Blue

Joseph and I have a habit of liking something, or wanting something that becomes the trend within the next year or two.  For instance, I once wanted a sky blue hoodie and I looked far and wide for it without success.  A year and a half later, Target and other retailers suddenly had hoodies in colors other than black, navy, and red for boys.  There were sky blue hoodies, purple hoodies, and orange hoodies. 

So back in February when Joseph first got me to say yes to a robin’s egg blue wedding color, the world was going gaga for Pantone’s color of 2012: Tangerine Tango.  Weddings in orange were popping up everywhere: spring weddings with orange, pink and coral; summer weddings in mango, tangerine, and fuchsia; fall weddings in blazing autumnal oranges; and winter white weddings were aglow with punches of citrus.  Having a wedding with a strong hint of blue would be quite against the grain.

Then Pantone announced the color for weddings in 2013: Mint.  This color is a pale green, just a shade more yellow than our precious robin’s egg.  No matter, it was the difference between green and blue, and it still had our individual stamp on it.  But as I began to point things out to Joseph that I thought were robin’s egg blue, he was suddenly hard to please.

One was too blue.

One was too green.

One was too bright.

One was too dull.

One was too aqua.

One looked too much like a mermaid’s tail. 

So I took Joseph to the paint store while we were out shopping yesterday.  We pulled together all the colors I thought were robin’s egg blue and all the colors he thought were the right color.  And as it turns out, the color Joseph thought should be called “Robin’s Egg Blue” was a color I would call “jade green.”  It is closer to actual robins’ egg shells than the Crayola color with the same name, but it was not at all blue.  In fact, it’s a slightly muted shade of mint green if you squint at it right.  So, to please Joseph’s rather fussy sense of color, I let go of those aqua-esque color schemes, and embraced the jade.  So what if my robin’s egg blue will get lost in a sea of mint green?  I had it first!  … sort of. 

And after all of this hemming and hawing over the exactly right shade of bluish-greenish-grayish-jade I suddenly realized something rather shocking:  I’m not the bridezilla of this wedding!  Joseph is.  Oh, crap!


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