Saturday, December 3, 2011

Joseph's New Found Skill

As promised I will share with you what Joseph's new crafting skill is.  He bought a book and taught himself to crochet from it, and has been shredding fabric and making rugs ever since.
Here are a few he made for his coworkers for Christmas:
This one was a sort of camp cottage rug.  It had burgundy and navy together with a few greens.  The green plaid really pops in the combination.
I told Joseph he should give these titles and consider them "art pieces."  He named this one "Ripple," as it evokes a forest pond. 
"Ripple" boasted a shiny thread that Joseph crocheted along with some of the jade green material to catch the light and shimmer. 
This one is for his boss, who is one of those Purple People.  I love purple, too, but I love all the other colors too much to become a Purple Person myself. 
This rug is made from all navy material interspersed with blue-printed white fabric.  It reminds me of those wonderful Currier and Ives dishes my Gram has, which I ate off of almost every day of my childhood. 
This one was my absolute favorite.  Joseph made it for a coworker who loves the color orange, and who couldn't love it when it makes such a fabulous hearth side rug?  It reminds me of a sun wheel, or a large, circular bale of hay.  The middle and edge is done in a very dark maroon that really pops with the orange.  Wish I was a better photographer. 
All of the earlier rugs were round rugs like this favorite orange one here, but Joseph found a way to make oblong rugs as well and now uses the oblong shape almost exclusively:
Whichever rug is your favorite, I can tell you from experience that they make your home feel a little cozier than a run-of-the-mill store bought rug.  I have two in my former dining room (current Christmas Tree Room), and I love them. 

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