I must say that when it comes to color, I am obsessed. My favorite color is usually “favorite color combinations” and always changes. When I was little, my favorite color was unapologetically pink. Quick on her feet, my mom told me the cool way for big kids at school to tell each other their favorite colors was to break it down into the primary colors that made it. So kids who liked green, according to Mom, would say “my favorite color is yellow and blue.” So for Kindergarten and most of first grade, I told everyone my favorite color was “red and white.” But by second grade, the truth came out, and there are photographs of me on my “special day” wearing a pink construction paper crown with bold red letters saying “SPECIAL PERSON.” It was in high school with its barrage of art classes, drama costume making, and graphic design when I discovered I loved color in all its hues, especially when it teamed up into schemes and themes.
So, without further ado, I present a small sampling of the color in my life:
Red is the sunflowers growing in my garden.
Orange is the rowan berries growing on the trees that Joseph planted all over our yard because he knew rowan (Mountain Ash) was my favorite.
Yellow is a sample of bowls tucked in the corner of one of my cupboards.
Green is the shoe laces on my current kicks.
Blue is my new Garden Gnome, Gnomeo.
Purple is my new back pack.
So do you think, with all this color in my life, I still might like “Red and White?”
You tell me.